thoughts on structuring 10-225 for meeting with Dorothy Ross, 4 p.m., 325 Gilman, Monday 6/26/95

based on 10-214 What is History

Ulrich: A Midwife's tale
Spence: Question of Hu
Holmes: Dr. Johnson & Mr. Savage

First semester philosophy and methods with emphasis on computer skills for research, note taking, and interpretation; paper due on each book read and discussed in class; looking at methods, message (story), meaning

Second Semester:

papers on city and country that focus on the physical development of the city and the lives of the people who dwelt there, with emphasis on people who moved in and out of the city; people who lived on the city; people who helped create the city; the people in and of the city:

Possible themes:

see MdHM Fall 1982, 77, no. 3 for ideas: (14-611)

1) Prestons of Baltimore, in and out of the city

2) Eliza Ridgely, city and country elite combined

3) Baltimore's Harlem, residential development