Notes from Bemis transcript of the Webster Trial, 1850

Report of the Case of John W. Webster, master of arts and doctor of medicine of Harvard University; member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, of the American Academy of arts and sciences, of the London Geological Society, and of the St. Petersburg Mineralogical Society; and Erving Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard University; indictd for the Murder of George Parkman, Master of Arts of Harvard University, Doctor of Medicine of the University of Aberdeen, and member of the Massachusetts Medical Society before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts; including the hearing on the petition for a writ of error, the prisoner's confessional statements and application for a commutation of sentence, and an appendix containing several interesting matters never before published. By George Bemis, Esq. One of the counsel in the case. Boston: Charles Little and James Brown, 1850.

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