Form 3

Project Description

Agency Name: Maryland State Archives

Project Contact Person: Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archivist

Telephone:  410-974-3867   Fax: 410-974-3895


Maryland Legal History On-Line, 1634--

Link to Agency Goals & Objectives:

In accordance with State Government Article secs. 9-1007 through 9-1013, the Archives is responsible for the preservation of historical records, providing access to these records, and shall encourage research into the history of the State.

This initiative will permit the Archives to develop further expertise in the management of access to electronic archival material in its custody, or which it creates from rapidly deteriorating paper originals.


Such a resource is greatly needed by government, the legal community, and our citizens who seek to understand the development of Maryland government from a legal and constitutional standpoint.  In addition, this work will bring together in one place all extant records relating to the history of Maryland's Constitution and the creation of Maryland law, and will preserve a large collection of vital, but rapidly deteriorating government documents.


Name: Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse  Telephone: 410-974-3867
Current Classification: State Archivist
% of Time Devoted to Project: 15%
From: July, 1997 To: June, 1998
Knowledge/Skill to Complete Assignment: Dr. Papenfuse is nationally recognized for his efforts to introduce technology to the management of archival material.
Performance Indicators/Milestones for Participant:
1. Selection of software and hardware implementation for scanning, text retrieval, and Internet presentation of the records.
2. Designating the materials to be included and providing the scholarship required to interpret the sources.

Name: Chris Haley, Telephone: 410-974-3914
Current Classification: Director of Imaging Services, Archivist IV
% of Time Devoted to Project: 10%
From: July, 1997 To: June, 1998
Knowledge/Skill to Complete Assignment: Mr. Haley is responsible for the imaging program of the Archives and is knowledgeable in production and management issues associated with the proposed project.
Performance Indicators/Milestones for Participant:
Developing production schedule, providing quality assurance, and coordinating contractual staff and vendors selected to perform the work.

Name: Betsy Bodziak, Telephone: 410-974-3914
Current Classification: Database Administrator, Computer Network Manager
% of Time Devoted to Project: 10%
From: July, 1997 To: June, 1998
Knowledge/Skill to Complete Assignment: Ms. Bodziak has developed and managed a number of database applications web sites. She is proficient with SQL programming and search engines for text retrieval.
Performance Indicators/Milestones for Participant:
1. Providing a hierarchical file structure for the management of the scanned image files and associated text files.
2. Developing the necessary databases and queries to search the text files created from the scanned image files and linking the image files to the text for retrieval.

Name: Lynne MacAdam  Telephone: 410-974-3914
Current Classification: Director, Information Systems Management
% of Time Devoted to Project: 10%
From: July, 1997 To: June, 1998
Knowledge/Skill to Complete Assignment: Ms. MacAdam has the electronic publication background to move this project forward to completion.  In addition, she is proficient in teaching and training.
Performance Indicators/Milestones for Participant:
1. Overseeing project from a publication perspective; helping to move the electronic data into a web accessible publication.
2. Providing workshops for state employees and other interested parties to learn how to use the Maryland Legal History On-Line system

Maryland State Archives
December 18, 1997
