LAR702 - Town Planning in Post-Suburban America

Spring 1995
Instructor: Michael Stern
Collaborative Instructor: Neal Payton, The Catholic University of America
T.A.: Keith Robbins

General Bibliography

Alexander, Christopher,; A New Theory of Urban Design *

Bacon, Edward; The Design of Cities

Barnett, Jonathan; The Elusive City: Five Centuries of Design Ambition and Miscalculation

Calthorpe. Peter, The Next American Metropolis *

Creese, Walter L.; The Search for Environment: The Garden City Before and After

Cullen, Gordon; Townscape *

Duany, A. & Plater-Zybeck, E.; Towns and Town-making Principles *

Garreau, Joel; Edge City: Life on the New Frontier

Goodman, Percival and Paul; Communitas

Hayden, Dolores; Redesigning the American Dream

Hegemann & Peets, American Vitruvius

Holl, Steven; Rural and Urban Housetypes in North America

Jackson, Kenneth; Crabgrass Frontier: the Suburbanization of the United States *

Kelbaugh, Doug; The Pedestrian Pocketbook

Lynch, Kevin;

Site Planning
The Image of the City *
Good City Form *

MacKay, David; Multiple Family Housing

Moudron, Anne; Built for Change:Neighborhood Architecture in San Francisco

Mumford, Lewis; The Urban Prospect

Nolen, John;

New Towns for Old *
Replanning Small Cities *

Reps, John; The Making of Urban America *

Rowe, Peter;

Making a Middle Landscape *
Modernity and Housing *

Scott Brown, Denise; Urban Concepts

Sherwood, R; Modern Housing Prototypes *

Simpson, B. J.; Housing on Sloping Sites

Solomon, Daniel; ReBuilding

Stein, Clarence, Towards New Towns for America *

Stilgoe, John; Borderland: Origins of the American Suburb, 1820 - 1939

Stern, Robert; The Anglo-American Suburb, Architectural Design, vol. 51

Tunnard, Christopher & Pushkarev, Boris; Man-Made America

Whyte, William H.; City: Rediscovering the Center

Unwin, Raymond; Town Planning in Practice *

* indicates Library Reserve

Last Modified: Wednesday, 22-Mar-1995 10:45:14 EST