These pages attempt to sketch the lives and delineate the character of a man and a woman whose memory must long remain the cherished possession of their descendants.

In their early life, they suffered many privations, but they possessed ambition and self-reliance; and, by dint of persevering toil, they acquired the means that enabled them to give liberally to those who were less fortunate than them-selves. Alike, however, in poverty and in luxury, their conduct was always marked by dignity and modesty. Many and large as were their acts of charity, their bounties were even more notable for the sympathy which actuated them and the fine feeling with which they were imbued.

Never wavering in their complete acceptance of the Jew-ish faith, they made the Jewish religion an essential part of their lives. They lived in accordance with the principles of truth and integrity, and walked in the paths of rectitude and righteousness, seeming, indeed, to fulfil the demands of the Prophet MicahÑ" What cloth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God ? "

For those who knew them, Michael and Betsy Levy need no written memorial. We who survive them publish this volume in the hope that our children's children may find in it some measure of that inspiration which we received in our daily association with those whose memory we cherish as a blessing.