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Maryland State Archives Home Page [Ogilby Map of Maryland; look further down this page for connection to map description]

Welcome to the Maryland State Archives

The Maryland State Archives is the historical agency for Maryland and serves as the central depository for government records of permanent value. Records date from the founding of the colony in 1634 to the 1990s. Included in the Archives' holdings are colonial and state executive, legislative, and judicial records; county probate, land and court records; church records; business records; publications and reports of state, county and municipal governments; and special collections of private papers, maps, photographs, and newspapers. The Archives' search room is open to the public five days a week. There, professional archivists are on duty to assist researchers.

The Maryland State Archives home page was made possible by a grant from the Maryland Department of Education, Division of Library Development and Services. This grant is part of the Division's sponsorship of Maryland's SAILOR project in which the Archives is a participant. SAILOR is Maryland's online information system that provides Marylanders with access to Internet resources. For additional information on Libraries and Archives on the Internet visit the University of Maryand College Park, College of Library and Information Services.

The Archives WEB site has been in service since February 1995 and is updated regularly. Our WWW address is

We welcome suggestions and comments. Write to or contact us at 350 Rowe Blvd., Annapolis, MD 21401.

Information on the map above.

[Picture of a medal cast for Cecil Calvert, 1632]All about the Maryland State Archives

[Picture of State House DomeMaryland & Its Government

[Picture of a computer]Reference Services

[Picture of a compass rose]Geographical Services

[Picture of a magnifying glass and documents]Education & Outreach

[Picture of an old wooden printing press]Preservation and Conservation

[Picture of a large red check mark]Check it out - What's New with the Archives?

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visitor since February 19, 1995.

[Archives Home Page || Introduction to the Archives || Maryland & Its Government || Reference Services || Geographical Services || Education & Outreach || Maryland Electronic Capital Home Page || Governor's Home Page]

© Copyright February 14, 1996 Maryland State Archives