World POPClock

According to the International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of the Census, the total population of the World, projected to 4/28/96 at 5:36:35 PM is


Monthly World population figures:

07/01/95    5,691,417,794 
08/01/95    5,698,272,793 
09/01/95    5,705,127,793 
10/01/95    5,711,761,664 
11/01/95    5,718,616,663 
12/01/95    5,725,250,534 
01/01/96    5,732,105,534 
02/01/96    5,738,960,533 
03/01/96    5,745,373,275 
04/01/96    5,752,228,275 
05/01/96    5,758,862,145 
06/01/96    5,765,717,145 
07/01/96    5,772,351,016 

World Population: 1950 to 2050

Historical Estimates of World Population

World Vital Events Per Time Unit: 1996

 (Figures may not add to totals due to rounding)
Time unit       Births      Deaths       increase
Year       133,349,664   53,756,732    79,592,932 
Month       11,112,472    4,479,728     6,632,744 
Day            364,343      146,876       217,467 
Hour            15,181        6,120         9,061 
Minute             253          102           151 
Second             4.2          1.7           2.5 

Notes on the estimates.