A playlet about the years at St. Mary's City (1638-1694)  taken from the Archives of Maryland and other Contemporary Sources:
Setting the Limits of Arbitrary Power

George Calvert delivering message from King James to Parliament, session of 1620/1621:

that his Majesty did grant liberty and freedom of speech, in as ample manner as any of his predecessors ever did: and if any should speak undutifully, (as he hoped none would) he doubted not but we ourselves would be more forward to punish it, than he to require it; and he willed us to rest satisfied with this, rather than to trouble him with any petition or message, and so cast ourselves upon one of these rocks: that, if we asked for too little, we should wrong ourselves; if too much or more than right, he should be forced to deny us, which he should be very loath to do.