Cecil Calvert:

Dear Brother,

I do hereby give you full power and authority from time to time in every General Assembly summoned by you in the province of Maryland, in my name to give assent unto such laws as you shall think fit and necessary for the good government of the said Province of Maryland, and which shall be consented unto and approved by the freemen of that Province or the major part of them, or their deputies assembling by you there from time to time for the enacting of laws within that Province;

Provided that the said laws, so to be assented unto, be, as near as conveniently may be, agreeable and not contrary, to the laws of England.

Every which law, so to be assented unto by you in my name, and consented unto and approved of by the freemen aforesaid, I do hereby declare shall be in force within the said Province, til I or my heirs shall signify mine or their disassent thereto, under the great seal of the said Province and no longer, unless after the transmission thereof unto us, and due consideration had thereupon, I or my heirs shall think fit to confirm the same.

Given under my hand and seal at London in the realm of England, the 21st of August, 1638

Cecil Calvert, Baltimore