| NOTES (ecp\52Clark\00001)

 DATE: September 1, 1997

 Database: 52Clark

 Subject: 06/10/97. 1790/12/05 Joseph Clark (Annapolis) to George Washington. Digges/L'Enfant-Morgan Papers, Library of Congress.. ECP/ 52/ 1//

When I had the honor of an interview with you at Mount Vernon your obliging attention in permitting me to lay before you a Scheme for a new city, has induced me to take the Liberty of transmitting my Ideas on that Subject somewhat more at Large and on a scale of calculation less extensive respectingthe profits to be raised. I have lately rode over part of the land on the banks of the Patowmack, and at one place within the Limits prescribed for erecting the new city, is a level spot of (as near as I can guess) 16,000 acres on navigable water, which will contain according to the proposed plan about two thirds of the number of Houses that are in the City of London. On a supposition that the public have in view a City of magnitude on the Banks of the noble River where it is to be situtated, I have made a calculation & a ground plan of 1/16th part to wit 1000 acres, which will be correspondent to the Remainder of the calculation, and on the spot I have mentioned there are five squares on navigable water, as in fig. F stained green on the Plan, from the letter A in alphabetical

order to E. As the proprietors of each of these five lots of 1000 acres would avance the value of their Lands to a very great amount, should a preferance be immediately given to either; perhaps exorbitant demandsmay be prevented, if the Commissioners were to treat separately with the different proprietors, as by this method their interests would clash and an opportunity be afforded of prchasing on reasonable Terms. If the Lands are paid for with certificates bearing interest, the paymentto be secured by a lien on the Lands, as well as by the Funds to be raised from the Ground Rents and purchase of the Lots; then on the present scale, the rent of one twentieth part or 162 lots will be sufficient for the purpose, including the Expence of collection. And would it not be expedient to give the Election of becoming Lessees or proprietors in Fee Simple at 15 years purchase, the certificates to be received for the purchase money, and the Interst of certificates for ground Rent. The plan I have, with great Deference, submitted to your Excellency, will equally answer for either of the 16 squares, and the same form and Direction of the Streets may be continued, but no plan of a city can be designed with accuracy until the site, its promontories, acclivities &c are first Surveyed; and this appears to me the first step necessary, I hope to be excused fro mentioning it. These plans and observations I submit to your Excellency with a Freedom arising from your known disposition to receive with attention and complacency the observations of all, who are anxious to contribute their mite to the promotion of a National object. If my moderate abilities are employed in any part of the proposed measures, either in the Surveying or Delineating the lands that may be thought most eligible for the intended City, or in any other Branch of my profession, I shall endeavour to execute it with credit to myself, advantage to the public, and so as to mee the approbation of your Excellency, requesting only a reasonable compensation for the Services I may render.

I am sir, with the greatest Respect your most Obedient Servant Joseph Clark


[file also contains notes from Samuel Davidson's ledgers, accounts,and letter books.

includes an account, 10/20/94 for L97/10/0 and $60.00; relates to sale of brick yard and wood; John Henderson assums the debt in 5/96, but only after Clark gave himL75 in cash on 4/16/95;

Davidson ledgers contain info on rentals of Doulls Park, ca. 375 acres (SD's share), cost of living in Washington as a bachelor; attitudes towards slaves (bit of the Hickory oil] "a little hickory oil, early and judiciously applied to him will rectify that evil and render hima very valuable Slave. ...." 10/16/1800