| NOTES (ecp\1000243\00005)

DATE: September 21, 1997

Database: 1000243

Subject: . Email and other communications with seminar students .

I have been thinking about how we might most effectively use our time and still enjoy the reading and discussion in this course on Monday afternoons. We are a small seminar which makes the task simpler and, I hope, more fun for all of us.

I will be communicating with you in this joint memo way and individually as the need arises through my edpapen@iname.com address. I am hoping these come through to you as text messages with an htm or html attachment that you can download to your floppy drive as necessary, but it would be just as efficient for me to upload messages to you on to your geocities site where you could read them using the file manager utilities. Which would you prefer? I will try both this morning. My coding for these message will be very simple: date plus a1, a2, etc. depending upon how much there is need for more than one communique a day (I hope not much). If you should get a b1, b2, communique that is meant for you only.

I have appended the names and addresses of all the students in the seminar to facilitate communication.

With regard to the first paper, I have moved the due date up to October 27 and would like an annotated essay from you (placed on your web site or sent to me as an EMAIL attachment) that is about 5-8 typed pages in length and addresses the following:

The final paper, due the end of the semester is meant to be an in-progress series of linked pages on your geocities website that forms the beginnings (the outline of topics, questions to be pursued, and proposed sources to consult) of a biography (or in Anne's case, collective biography) of those who were most closely associated with developing the Federal capital. The second semester will be devoted to further research and writing on the biography, with those who continue from the first semester mentoring anyone brave enough to join us for the second (we will worry about what that means when we see if we have anyone sign up).

For each of you, I have indicated on whom you might focus your attention for the biography. I am open to suggestions and refinement, but I would like you all to have a clear idea of whom you are pursuing by the end of class on Monday (September 22).

Let me know if you are able to read this. Remember that to see it as a communique on your geocities site, you must use your file manager utility and view this html which I will have uploaded there.

Students and possible prosopographical topics:

1) Elizabeth Grant, eggl@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu

Elizabeth: I would like you to think about working on Robert Morris, James Greenleaf, or John Nicholson. I would prefer Robert Morris, as he is a central figure in shaping what defines the speculative side of the American character, but there is enough on his two partners that either would do as subjects if you find either of them more interesting.

geocities name: Lampedusa


2) William F. Key, Jr. billykey@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu

Bill: I would like you to focus your biographical efforts on Daniel Carroll of Duddington (taking care to compare and contrast him to his Cousin and Commissioner, Daniel Carroll of Rock Creek).

geocities name: billkey


3) Laura Lisy, lola@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu

Laura: I would like you to focus your biographical efforts on Thomas Johnson, one of the key Commissioners in the creation of the City, as well as a Supreme Court Justice, Governor of Maryland, etc. The latter role, I suspect is a key to understanding how money for the city gets appropriated by the Maryland legislature.

geocities name: unitasfratrum


4) Anne Tria, atria@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu

Anne: Your topic is your senior thesis (women of the District of Columbia in the first quarter century of the new republic, or a variation on same), which means, of course, that your final product will be held to a higher standard than the rest of the seminar. Because you are further along than the rest of the seminar in background reading and research, I would also like you to be prepared to help lead the discussions on the reading and with any site related technical questions the other students might have.

geocities name: Isabellaclark


5) Leo Wise, leowise@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu

Leo: I would like you focus your biographical efforts on William Cranch who plays such a key role in so many of the legal disputes surrounding the development of the city.

geocities name: doublejoe
