Price : American Port Towns 183 B. Merchants and supporting personnel 1. accountant 2. banker 3. broker, scrivener 4. chandler, ship chandler 5. clerk, scribe 6. cooper 7. corn dealer, flour mer- chant/seller 8. merchant 9. stevedore, trimmer 10. underwriter 11. wharfinger I-IV TOTAL V. Unclassified A. Agricultural 1. ditcher 2. farmer, yeoman 3. goat keeper 4. gardner 5. grazier 6. welldigger B. Laborers (unassignable to sector) C. Unemployed and retired (including gentlemen) D. Women head of household without occupation 1. widows 2. other E. Males, without stated occupation 1. married man 2. single man F. Negro heads of household without stated occupation G. Illegible and not indicated Boston (1790) 404 (16.31%) 3 i 16 i? 66 70 206 i 24 2477 Philadelphia Philadelphia (1774) (1780-1783) 531 (14-00%) 442 (13.55%) 157 106 6 15 34 142 2 3793 i 111 1 17 11 2 614 105 72 635 612 40 10 13 28 56 3 331 i 3262 79 4 9 371 68 266 226 1332 28