102. 1782 Md. Laws (November) ch. VIII [w. Kilty, vol. 1]; 1782 Md. Laws (April) ch. II [W. Kilty, vol. 1] . 103. Olson, Baltimore, pp. 1, 10-11, 18-19, 25. 104. Natalie Shivers, Those Old Placid Rows: The Aesthetic and Development of the Baltimore Rowhouse, (Baltimore: Maclay & Associates, 1981) p. 21; Scharf, Chronicles, vol. 1, pp. 288-290; "John Eager Howard's Addition; Part of Lun's Lot" Map 209 (1782), Prints & Photographs Division, Maryland Historical Society Library. 105. 1745 Md. Laws (August) ch. IX [W. Kilty, vol. 1], 44 Archives of Maryland 214. 106. Compare "John Eager Howard's Addition; Part of Lun's Lot" Map 209 (1782), with "Land Transaction Between John E. Howard, Hans Morrison, John Meekle, and John McDonough" [on reverse] Map 246 (1786) , Prints & Photographs Division, Maryland Historical Society Library. 107. Sidney Homer, A History of Interest Rates (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963) p. 278; Gary Browne, Baltimore in the Nation. 1789-1861 (Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1980) p. 12. See also John Fiske, The Critical Period of American History (New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1899) pp. 163-168. 108. Porter to Hughes, Baltimore County Land Records (Deeds) Liber WG no. K, folio 3 [Maryland State Archives]; Hughes to Harbaugh, Baltimore County Land Records (Deeds) Liber WG no. L, folio 500 [Maryland State Archives]. 109. Giraud's Lessee v. Hughes. 1 G. & J. 249, 252-255 (Md. 1829). 110. The Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser. December 14, 1789. 111. Giraud's Lessee v. Hughes. 1 G. & J. 249, 252 (Md. 1829); The Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, December 14, 1789. 112. The question of whether land under navigable water could be transfered by the proprietor was eventually settled in Browne v. Kennedy. 5 H. & J. 195, 203 (Md. 1821). There the court determined that the 1700 transfer of Todd's Range effectively transferred the bed of the navigable stretches of the Jones Falls to Charles Carroll, the Settler, subject to the right of the public to fish and navigate. 113 . Such questions were still before the Maryland Court of Appeals two hundred years later. See Board of Public Works v. Larmar Corp., 277 A. 2d 427 (Md. 1971). 63