Prints and Photographs Division, Maryland Historical Society Library; "John Eager Howard", Vertical File, Maryland Department, Enoch Pratt Free Library. 57. Harry W. Newman, Anne Arundel Gentry: A Genealogical History of Some Early Families of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, (Annapolis: 1971), vol. 2, pp. 250 - 254; See Map 226, "Ridgely's Addition, 1783: Part of Howard's Timber Neck", Prints and Photographs Division, Maryland Historical Society Library. It is important to note that there were several distinct families of Howards in the region. While Timber Neck adjoins Lunn's Lott, owned by the Eager - Howard clan, this John Howard was not directly related to these Howards. Further connections between Howards may be found in genealogical records in Newman, Anne Arundel Gentry, Barnes, Baltimore County Families, or the Bayard Papers (MS #109), Howard Papers (MS #469), Howard Family Collection (MS #2232), and Howard - Gilmor Papers (MS #2619) in the Manuscript Division, Maryland Historical Society Library. 58. Scharf, History, vol. 1, p. 290. 59. John Giles, Upton Court, 1731: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber PL no. 8, folio 97; Scharf, History, vol. 1, p. 290; Scharf, Chronicles, vol. 1, p. 239; Howard v. Moale, 2 H. & J. 250, 254 (Md. 1801); Map 277, "Baltimore 1600's-1759", Prints and Photographs Division, Maryland Historical Society Library 60. Scharf, History, vol. 1, p. 290. 61. Scharf, History, vol. 1, p. 290; Scharf, Chronicles, vol. 1, pp. 8, 188-189, 239; Howard v. Moale. 2 H. & J. 250, 254 (Md. 1801); Map 277, "Baltimore 1600's-1759", Prints and Photographs Division, Maryland Historical Society Library 62. Richard Gist, Gist's Inspection, 1732: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber PL no. 8, folio 540 [Maryland State Archives]; Giraud's Lessee v. Hughes. 1 G. & J. 249, 255-256 (Md. 1829). It is unclear why the concurrent owners of Lunn's Lott did not challenge the Gist claim to this valuable waterfront property. We do know, however, that in 1732 George Eager owned Lunn's Lott; that in 1738 Cornelius Howard married George's sister, Ruth (who presumptively inherited Lunn's Lott from George when he disappeared at sea); and that three of Cornelius' sisters married three of Richard Gist's sons. See Barnes, Baltimore County Families, pp. 257-258, 342-343. 63. Howard v. Moale. 2 H. & J. 250, 253-254 (Md. 1801); Scharf, History, vol. 1, p. 50; Olson, Baltimore, p. 5; Scharf, Chronicles, vol. 1, pp. 19, 188-89. 59