Chronicles, vol. 1, pp. 9-10. See Cunningham v. Browning. 1 Bland 299, 305-319 (Md. 1827) for a discussion of the operation of the land system in the proprietary period. 18. J. Kilty, Land-Holder's Assistant, pp. 173-186; Gould, Land System in Maryland, pp. 29-30; Cunningham v. Browning, 1 Bland 299, 305-307 (Md. 1827). 19. J. Kilty, Land-Holders Assistant, pp. 160-164. 20. Casev's Lessee v. Inloes. 1 Gill 430, 436-38 (Md. 1844); Gould, Land System in Maryland, p. 30. James Todd, Todd's Range, 1700: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 41 folio 2 [Maryland State Archives]. -Recall Alexander Mountney, Mountney's Neck from Note 9; John Oulton, Bold Venter, 1695: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 37 folio 443 [Maryland State Archives]. 21. Howard v. Helms, 2 H. & McH. 57, 59, 78 (Md. 1784) . Scharf records in some detail a prior 1696 patent called "Ely O'Carroll" which subdivided Cole's Harbour into two 500 acre parcels, and transferred them to Daniel and Charles Carroll, the sons of Charles Carroll, the Settler. This account seems garbled in almost all respects. It involves twice the amount of land originally surveyed in Cole's Harbour, and the putative grantees were not to be born until 1702 and 1707 respectively. Moreover, there is no mention of a patent to Ely O'Carroll in the eighteenth century litigation concerning title to the Carroll lands in Baltimore. For the time being it remains an unfollowed false scent. See Scharf, Chronicles, vol. 1, pp. 14-15, Scharf, History, vol. 1, p. 49. 22. Robert Blunt to James Todd, "Mowtines Land", Baltimore County Land Records (Deeds) Liber TR no. RA, folio 339 [Maryland State Archives]; Samuel and Ann Wheeler to David Jones, Mountney's Neck, Baltimore County Land Records (Deeds) Liber RM no. HS, folio 180 [Maryland State Archives]; Casey's Lessee v. Inloes, 1 Gill 430, 435, 452, 489-494 (Md. 1844). 23. One perch equals 16.5 feet. A metes and bounds description of the patents is found in Casey's Lessee v. Inloes. 1 Gill 430, 436- 438, 441, 445, 457, 472 (Md. 1844). 24. Wilson's Lessee v. Inloes. 6 Gill 121, 144-145 (Md. 1847) contains a copy of the 1707 survey prepared by Richard Colegate in response to Oulton's warrant. 25. Casey's Lessee v. Inloes. 1 Gill 430, 435, 438 (Md. 1844); see also Harrison v. Sterett. 4 H. & McH. 540, 541-542 (Md. 1774) ; Helms v. Howard. 2 H & McH. 57, 59-60 (Md. 1784). 55