acquired acres lying on the outskirts of the Old Town settlement to Baltimore Town for "all intents and purposes as fully and amply as if included originally therein." High Street and Napping Street were added.53 The expanded layout of the new Old Town streets is marked on Figure 6. In 1750 Thomas Harrison began variously leasing and selling lots on his marsh. In 1763, Harrison leased the lot on the northwest corner of Gay and Baltimore Streets to the Town Commissioners of Baltimore, who caused to be erected Baltimore's first market - house. Harrison made the lot more affordable by leasing it to the commissioners at eight pounds sterling per year, "for and during the full term of ninety-nine years" subject to a covenant whereby Harrison and his heirs agreed to perpetual renewals. No down payment was required.54 XIII. Development West and South of Baltimore Town The parcels of land to the west and south of the Northwest Branch had been changing hands as well. In 1688 Edward Lunn transferred the rights to his 1673 patent to George Eager. Lunn's Lott was passed down through the family to George's grandson, also a George.55 Young George's sister, Ruth, married Cornelius Howard, son and heir of Joshua Howard, the patentee of Howard's Square (also known as Grey Rock) deep in the interior of Baltimore County. When young George went to sea, he gave over his power of attorney 23