of record title to Cole's Harbour was broken by a missing link; if it could not be filled, Fell would be entitled to a warrant of escheat to Cole's Harbour.35 Under a prevailing legal fiction of the day, however, proof of twenty years possession by Carroll's predecessors in title created a presumption of validity of the patent to Todd's Range. By proving such uninterrupted possession, Carroll perfected his title, and the issued caveat denied Edward Fell his escheat warrant.36 VIII. Establishment of Baltimore Town While that dispute was still in litigation Charles Carroll of Annapolis made his second move. In 1729 he joined with eight of the leading men of Baltimore County in petitioning the upper house of the Assembly, the governor's council, "for building of a Town, on the North side of Patapsco River on land supposed to belong to Messrs. Charles and Daniel Carroll." The bill passed and Carroll agreed on behalf of himself and his brother to subdivide sixty acres and to sell the lots at a price of forty shillings per acre.37 The erection of towns was authorized by a 1683 Act of the Assembly for the "procuring of money and the advancement of trade". The machinery of town government was to consist of seven commissioners. Their first duty was to select land and divide it into lots for houses and stores, with some open space left for 16