462 T MARYLAND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE Jonee Town 1732 Baltimore Town 1729 Map 4: Baltimore Town 1729; Jones Town 1732. number of days, but many reverted to Carroll when the conditions of improvement went unmet, and some interior lots failed to sell. During the ensuing decade and trough a number of resales, reversions and re-entries the lots were eventually dispensed.40 ...to be continued. y NOTES , 4 H. & MCH. 540 (Md. 1774); Helms v. Howard, 2 H. & i; Smith and Purviances v. Maryland, 2 H. & McH. 244 (Md. >; Cunningham v. Browning, 1 Bland 299 (Md. 1827)1 Giraud's 95 d 195 (Md. Parceling Out Land 463 Lessee v. Hughes, 1 G. & J. 249 (Md. 1829); Dugan v. Baltimore, 5 G. & J. 357 (Md. 1833); Wilson's Lessee v.Inloes, 11 G. &J. 351 (Md. 1840); Casey's Lessee v. Inloes, 1 Gill 430 (Md. 1844); Wilson's Lessee v. Inloes, 6 Gill 121 (Md. 1847); Hammond v. Inloes, 4 Md. 138 (1853); Peterkin v. Inloes, 4 Md. 175 (1853); Garitee v. Baltimore, 53 Md. 422 (Md. 1880). 2. John Kilty, The Land-Holder's Assistant (Baltimore: G. Dobbins & Murphy, 1808); John M'Henry, The Ejectment Law of Maryland (Frederick-town: Herald Press, 1822); Lewis Mayer, Ground Rents in Maryland (Baltimore: Press of Isaac Friedenwald, 1883). 3. J. Thomas Scharf, The Chronicles of Baltimore, (1874; [repr.] 2 vols. Bowie, Md.: Heritage Books Inc., 1989), 1 :v; J. Thomas Scharf, History of Baltimore City and County, (1881; [repr.] Baltimore: Regional Publishing Company, 1971). 4. Robert J. Brugger, Maryland, A Middle Temperament: 1634-1980 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988), pp. 3-5. 5. Lewis W. Wilhelm, Local Institutions of Maryland, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1885), pp. 8-13; Mayer, Ground Rents, pp. 9-12. 6. J. Kilty, Land-Holder's Assistant, p. 30; Mayer, Ground Rents, pp. 12-20; Gregory A. Stiverson, Poverty in a Land of Plenty: Tenancy in Eighteenth Century Maryland (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977), pp. 1-27; Clarence P Gould, The Land System in Maryland 1720-1765, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1913), passim. 7. Gould, Land System in Maryland, pp. 16-18. 8. "Baltimore County at one time embraced all of the province lying around the head of the bay, from the Patapsco river on the west to Chester river on the east, and included the present counties of Carroll, Harford, Cecil, Baltimore and probably Kent" (Wilhelm, Local Institutions, p. 374); Scharf, Chronicles, 1:9. 9. Scharf, Chronicles, 1:9-10; Scharf, History, 1:48-50; David Jones, Jones his Range, 1678: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 20, folio 8, Maryland State Archives (hereafter MSA). Alexander Mountney, Mountney' s Neck, 1663: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 5, folio 376, MSA. William Poultney, Long Island Point, 1671: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 16, folio 223, MSA. John Copus, Copus Harbour, 1684: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber IB & IL No. C, folio 62, MSA. 10. Scharf, History, 1:48-50. Thomas Cole, Cole's Harbour, 1668: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 12, folio 134, MSA. 11. Gould, Land System in Maryland, pp. 9-10, 16, 60-64; M'Henry, Ejectment Law of Maryland, p. 30; Mayer, Ground Rents, pp. 33-35; Scharf, Chronicles, 1:10; Scharf, History, p. 49. Compare David Jones, Jones his Range, 1678: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 20, folio 8, MSA with Thomas Cole, Cole's Harbour, 1668: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 12, folio 134, MSA. 12. Edward Lunn, Lunns Lott, 1673: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 17, folio 189, MSA. John Howard, Timberneck, 1668: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 11, folio 32, MSA. 13. Scharf, History, 1:50. David Poole, Upton Court, 1668: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 14, folio 121, MSA. David Williams, David's Fancy, 1672: Baltimore County Land Records (Patents) Liber 19, folios 380, 550, MSA.