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My GWTW Image!!
wanna skip all my beautiful work and get to the menu?
There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton fields,  Called the Old South.  Here in this pretty world, Gallantry made its last stand.
Here was the last ever to be seen, Of Knights and thier Ladies fair.  Of Master and of Slave.
Look for it only in books for it is no more...only a dream remembered....
A civilization.....
Gone with the Wind
A David O. Selznick Production
Based on the book by Margaret Mitchellmarg.jpg (10762 bytes)
Clark GableClark Gable as Rhett Butler
Viven Leigh as Scarlett O'HaraViven Leigh
Olivia de HavillandOlivia de Havilland as Melanie Wilkes
Leslie Howard as Ashley WilkesLeslie Howard with Viven Leigh
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newsletter, mail Paula.

To all GWTW fans,

Recently someone left a message on my message board that read:

The movie stinks, all it is a myth. It portrays the South as a good, happy place, when in fact it only was a place of horror, saddness, and cruelty. The movie very unaccurately tells the story of the Civil War Era. People who like this movie for its content, must seriously read up on your history. This place was not at all a beautiful place.
a nice human being

So everyone who loves GWTW, does Gone with the Wind portray the South correctly,If you have a comment post it on my message bored. And to the person who wrote this, what are you doing on a GWTW homepage if you hate it so much

Welcome to my humble tribute to Margaret Mitchell and her only story, Gone with the Wind.
Here I have information about the book, the movie, the actors, the writer, and alot of other stuff.
Here is my webpage about the greatest storyof all time. A story not about who won or lost the Civil War, but about those who survied and those who didn't. A story about a time...
Gone with the Wind
The Menu!
The Book
The Movie
Margaret Mitchell
The Charaters
Clark Gable
Vivien Leigh
Book Quiz
The Sequel
Leslie Howard
Olivia de Havilland
Links to Places about the Book
Other People in GWTW
Movie Quiz
General Links
Links to places about the movie
Other Things to See and Do!
Friday Night Chat
Message Board
About Me
Scarlett Sensation
Sign My DreamBook
Gone with the Wind Computer Things
Odds and Ends
So that's My webpage(for now) I'm glad you visited!!
My counter says you are theth person to visit my site since-November 20/97!! Thank you!!
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