Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 08:21:36 -0400
To: Graham Bouton <>, Robert Black <>,
From: Ed Papenfuse <>
Subject: Re: problems using computers in Krieger 307

Could we have  the most recent version of Netscape installed and quicktime either removed or limited to reading only quicktime files?  Quicktime takes over trying to read all tif files but it cannot read multi-layer tifs.

I need to use a multi-layer tif viewer (kodakimg is preferred) for the documents from my web site.  Quicktime interferes and I cannot install Kodakimg as the default on any of the machines in 307 except the instructors.   When I removed qucktime from the instructor's computer, Kodakimg appeared as the default viewer for multilayer tifs, but when I had the class follow my example, they could not rid their computers of quicktime and could not get kodakimg to work as a viewer.  All they got was a blank screen.

Bob and I had this same problem last year.  I tried to address it with a work around to my students then:

PLEASE NOTE:  It would seem that some recent versions of Netscape install QuickTime as a plug in to view tif images.  If the QuickTime logo should appear when
accessing .tif files, you probably will have to do a file search for npqt*.dll and delete it whereever found.  Apple suggests that the changes be made in the QuickTime viewer.

Perhaps that approach will still work?

I am attaching the text of the Apple solution to the problem.
