Instructions on use of reading and viewing compact disks supplied as course materials:

1) set your computer to recognize you cd-rom as 'M' drive.

 In Windows, right mouse click on the  'My Computer' icon

go to the device manager tab

double click on cd rom

highlight your cd

click on properties

go to the settings tab

enter 'M' in the reserved drive letters tab for both start and end

click o.k.

reboot computer

2)  if you are viewing files in netscape  you will need Kodakimg.exe (comes with Windows as an image editor/browser, but may need to be installed), or Wangimg.exe (available in the software directory of  the course readings cds).   To install Wangimg, go to the wangimg directory in the software directory and launch setup.

3) some files on the CD  have self-contained viewers and, as such, have .exe extensions.  In order view those files in Netscape you will need to be sure that you have created an application file for this file type.


4)  PLEASE NOTE:  It would seem that some recent versions of Netscape install QuickTime as a plug in to view tif images.  If the QuickTime logo should appear when accessing .tif files, you probably will have to do a file search for npqt*.dll and delete it whereever found.  Apple suggests that the changes be made in the QuickTime viewer.

5) Finally, if you are viewing this on the CD and want to begin viewing files, click here.