Maryland State Archives
Archives of Maryland
Miscellany Series
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Historic Trades Carpentry Program

SL 01 18675-33795

Instructions for CD Use:

This CD contains images from

(Historic Annapolis Collection)
Account Book of William Munroe, 1765-1789
MSA SC 578

It is logged as MSA order SL 01 18675-33795.

The images for this order have been produced as a digital book. The files may be viewed using an internet browser. It is possible to print the images as they are imbedded in the html from your browser or click on "Enlarge and print image" in order to view and print a more detailed image. (See B below)

  1. If you are using Netscape Gold or Internet Explorer as your web browser, please skip to B. below. If however, you are using Netscape Communicator, you will need to make a modification in order to follow the links.
    1. Before opening Netscape Communicator, right click on the icon and select "Properties." Under Properties, select Shortcut, and change the "Start-In" line to be your CD-ROM drive designation, (e.g., D:\). Hit the Apply button and OK to exit.
    2. Open Communicator and then open the index.html on the CD-ROM. From this point forward, all the links will work on the CD. (See B Below)
  2. Viewing and printing the tif images requires Wang/Kodak Imaging software. This software is included with the most recent versions of Windows95 and Windows 98.
Please Note: If you experience any difficulties opening the image, open the program using an imaging program (e.g. Photoshop) to view the tiff file in, click file-open and navigate the CD-ROM drive until you find the tif folder and then open the appropriate image).

Reproduction of these documents for publication requires the permission of the Maryland State Archives.

For further inquiries and questions please contact:

 Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Blvd.
Annapolis, MD 21401
phone: 410-260-6400
MD toll free: 800-235-4045
fax: 410-974-3895