Comptroller of the Treasury
Voucher and Receipts Pertaining to the
Construction of the Court of Appeals Building
(MSA S 723)

14 May 1902 - $2000 paid to Bartlett, Hayward & Company for furnishing flue linings required for heating apparatus for the building.  (MSA S 723-30, 2502)

20 June 1902 - $3000 paid to Hugh Sisson & Sons as first payment for taking from the Old Custom House certain marble caps, columns, and bases and repairing same and delivering on cars in Baltimore to Annapolis for the new State Building.  (MSA S 723-30, 2811)

21 August 1902 - Vouchers and reports from State Building Commission re. search for available land and titles, and heating.  (MSA S 723-30, 3381-3383)

3 December 1902 - $51,850 paid to Henry Smith & Sons for laying enamlled [sic] bricks in basement, elevator shaft, sewer, drain pipes, plumbing and electrical work and corner stone for MSB.  (MSA S 723-31, 742)

15 December 1902 - $12,000 paid to Crook, Horner & Co for erecting heating and venting apparatus for MSB and Governr's Mansion.  (MSA S 723-32, 993)

20 February 1903 - Approval for order for Henry Smith & Sons for work on MSB, including elevator shaft, exterior brickwork, sewers, gas fitting, tubes, and electrical wiring, for a total of $25,190.00.  (MSA S 723-32, 1746)

13 August 1903 - $4000 paid to Henry Smith & Sons for boiler house construction in connection with heating plant.  (MSA S 723-33, 3393)

16 September 1903 - $5000 paid to J.B. & J.M. Cornell Company for steel cases for the MSB for the library, and departments of the Court of Appeals, Treasurer, Comptroller and Tax Commissioner.  (MSA S 723-33, 3434)

14 March 1904 - $344.85 bill from Stewart & Co for window shades.  (MSA S 723-35, 1840)

8 April 1904 - $1919.00 paid to McDowell & Co.  for carpets etc to MSB.  (MSA S 723-36, 2287)

14 April 1904 - $572.48 paid to Hall, Hedington & Co. for work to be charged to the heating and furnishinging fund.  (MSA S 723-36, 2363)

29 April 1904 - $5000 paid to Henry Smith & Sons for heating and furnishing MSB.  (MSA S 723-36, 2535)

29 April 1904 - $5000 paid to Henry Smith & Sons for erecting and completing the MSB .  (MSA S 723-36, 2534)

25 July 1904 - $3000 paid to Baldwin & Pennington for services in connection with the Maryland State Building, heating and furnishing of the same.  (MSA S 723-36, 3484)

25 July 1904 - $1360 paid to E. Howard Clock Co. for furnishing and erecting electric clock system.  (MSA S 723-36, 3486)

25 July 1904 - $4500 paid to J.B. & J.M. Cornell Co. as payment for furnishing and placing metal cases in the MSB.  (MSA S 723-36, 3478)

26 July 1904 - $4131 paid to George W. Walther for new sewer.  (MSA S 723-36, 3483)

30 August 1904 - $1443.71 paid to J.B. & J.M. Cornell Co  for all work and material furnished for installation of metal cases.  (MSA S 723-36, 3743)