Annapolis Feb 24.1904
The Commission met in Conference Room with the
Finance Committee of the Snate and the Ways and
Means Committee of the House of Delegates.  There
were present The Governor, The Comptroller, the
Treasurer, Chief Justice McSherry, Judge S.D.
Schmucker, Gen F.C. Latrobe, Hon Spencer C.
Jones, Peter J. Campbell, Dr Elijah Williams
and T.J.C. Williams.
Chief Justice McSherry moved that the Annex to
the State House be completed according to the
plans which have been adopted and that
the Old State House be restored according to the
suggestions and plans of Baldwin and Pennington
the Architects.  This motion was seconded by
Gen Latrobe and was adopted.
Upon mtion of Judge Schmucker the commis-
sion asked the Legislature for an appropriation
of $900,000 for the work.
Gen Latrobe moved and it was so ordered that
the work of decorating the Court of Appeals
building be deferred unless sufficient money
can be saved from the appropriation.
Upon motion adjourned.
T.J.C. Williams Sec.