Baltimore Sept 24.1902
The Executive Committee met at 11 o'clock.
There were present Hon Murray Vandiver,
Hon James McSHerry, Hon S.D. Schmucker,
Hon Spencer C. Jones, and Hon J.W. Hering.
On motion of Judge McSherry, Julia [?] J. Marshall
of Glendon was appointed superintentent of
the erection of the addition to the State Hose,
at $150 a month salary, to go on duty when
notified by the Architect that his services
are required.
On motion of Mr. Spencer C. Jones it was
ordered that the cornice of the building be
made of Georgia Marble instead of iron at
an additional cost of $9,275.
On motion of Dr. Hering it was ordered that
the right to order the necessary marble
for the portico be reserved.
On motion adjourned.
T.J.C. Williams