Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 668   Enlarge and print image (48K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 668   Enlarge and print image (48K)

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THOMAS OABRETT. 641 advance him any funds. In the present case I shall furnish them with money to pay their fare to Philadelphia, and Johnson home again. Hoping they will get on safe, I remain thy friend, THOS. GAKRETT. FOUE FEMALES 05» BOARD. The fearless Garrett communicated through the mail, as usual, the follow • ing intelligence: • WILMINGTON, 8th mo. 25th, 1859. ESTEEMED FRIEND, WM. STILL :—The brig Alvena, of Lewiatown, is in the Delaware opposite here, with four females on board. The colored man, who has them in charge, was employed by the husband of one of them to bring hLs wife up. When he arrived here, he found the man had left. As the vessel is bound to Red Bank, I have advised him to take them there in the vessel, and to-morrow take them in the steamboat to the city, and to the Anti-slavery office. He says they owe the captain one dollar and fifty cents for board, and I gave him three dollars, to pay the captain and take them to your office. I have a man here, to go on to-night, that was nearly naked ; shall rig him out pretty comfortably. Poor fellow, he has lost his left hand, bat he says he can take care of himself. In haste, thy friend, THOS. GARRETT. While Father Abraham -was using his utmost powers to put down the rebellion, in 1864, a young man who had "been most unrighteously sold for seven years," desirous of enlisting, sought advice from the wise and faithful Underground Rail Road manager, who gave him the following letter, which may be looked upon in the light of a rare anecdote, as there is no doubt but that the "professed non-resistant" in this instance, hoped to see the poor fellow "snugly fixed in his regimentals" doing service for "Father Abraham." WILMINOTOK, 1st mo. 23d, 1864. RESPECTED FIUEXD, WILI.TAM STILL :—The bearer of this, Winlock Clark, has lately been most unrighteously sold for seven years, and is desirous of enlisting, and becoming one of Uncle Sam's boys; I have advised him to call on thee so that no land sharks shall get any bounty for enlisting him; lie has a wife and several children, and whatever bounty the government or the State allows him, will be of use to his family. ' Please write rne when he is snugly fixed in his regimentals, so that I may send word to his wife. By so doing, thee will much oblige thy friend, and tlie friend of humanity, THOMAS GARRETT. N. B. Am I naughty, being a professed non-resistant, to advise this poor fellow to serve Father Abraham ? T. G. We have given so many of these inimitable Underground Rail Road letters from the pen of the sturdy old laborer, not only because they will be new to the readers of this work, but because they so fittingly illustrate his practical devotion to the Slave, and his cheerfulness—in the face of danger and difficulty—in a manner that other pens might labor in vain to deacribe, 41