Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 629   Enlarge and print image (49K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 629   Enlarge and print image (49K)

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PAMPHLET—TO THE FRIENDS OF THE SLA VE. 603 P. S. Since writing the above, we have seen it stated in the Principia, a New York paper, that William S. Bailey has been arrested on a charge of publishing an incendiary paper, and held to bail in the sum of $1,000, to appear before the Circuit Court, in November next. It is further stated that one of the two magistrates by whom W. S. Bailey was examined, and held to bail on this charge, was the chosen leader of the mob that destroyed hia type and printing press. "VVe have yet to see what will be the end of this cruel conflict. Let us not desert our suffering friend and his noble-hearted family. LETTERS TO THE WRITER. WESTMORLAND TEEEACE, December 23, I860. MY ESTEEMED FRIEND :—I received thy touching letter of the 10th inst. a few days since, and hasten to assure thee of our heart-felt sympathy, and most lively interest in the present tremendous state of things around you. At the same time, I cannot tell thee how glad and thankful we feel, that •with God's help thou art determined to persevere and not in any way flinch in this day of sore trial. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." " Be strong, i'ear not." " In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence; and his children shall have a place of refuge." One thing, too, is sure, " that all things will work together for the good " of those who love their Lord, that He will never, never forsake them whatever their outward trials may be. I thiuk, dear friend, thou shouldst be careful not to be about alone, particularly in the evening. We heard from W. S. Bailey the other day, aud he spoke of the advantage of several kind friends sticking close to him under recent circumstances at Alexandria, when lie was exposed to the spite and rage of slave-holding bullies. Would it not bo well to make a habit, in the evening in particular, of you, who are marked men, going about in little companies? Wicked men are generally cowards ; and I think would hesitate more to do a bad act in the presence of observers. I think thou wouldst receive a little letter from me a day or two after tliir.e was written, through, our friend Saml. Rhoads, enclosing £7 for the fugitives, X5 for thy own use, and £'2 for the Vigilance Committee. This letter of mine was sent off about the 24th ult., but I conclude was not delivered till just after thine was written. It is well to keep us fully informed of your circumstances, whether favorable or more appalling. I do not intend to put anything of a private character into print; but private confidence is ^he creed in England, and thou necdst not fear my abusing it. I enclose the only paper that we have printed that thou mayest see there was nothing to fear. Thou wilt observe there is no reference either to thy own name or to Philadelphia, and people here are not very familiar -with American topography. I am sending W. S. Bailey one of the same papers by to-day's mail. We have merely a limited