Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 572   Enlarge and print image (45K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 572   Enlarge and print image (45K)

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A UNT HANNAH MOORE. 547 months back. Easiness on the Buffalo and Lake Huron railway has been so dull that a great number of the hands have been discharged on account of the panic in the South. Canada yet cries, Freedom! Freedom ! Freedom ! I must now say a little about my friend and brother Stepney Brown, lie lived about six months at the Niagara Falls and is now going to school here in Brant-ford, he sends his best respects to you all. He and I often sit together at night after the labor of the day ia over talking about our absent friends wishing we could see them once more. Mr. Brown ami myself have been wishing for one or two of your slavery standards and would be much obliged to you if you would send some of the latest. Please let me hear from you aa soon as possible. I mast now bring my letter to a close and remain your affectionate friend, J. \V. DUNGY. P. S. May the Lord be with you. J. W. DUSUY. Address your letter to Johu W. Dungy, Brantford, C. W. "AUNT HANNAH MOORE." In 1854 in company with her so-called Mistrass (Mary Moore) Aunt Hannah arrived in Philadelphia, from Missouri, being en route k> California, where she with her mistress was to join her muster, who hud gone there years before to seek his fortune. The mistress having relatives in this city tarried here a short time1, not doubting that she had sufficient control over Aunt Hannah to keep her from contact with either abolitionists or those of her o\vn color, and that she would have no difficulty in taking her with her to her journey's end. If such were her calculations she was greatly mistaken. For although Aunt Hannah was destitute of book-learning she was nevertheless a woman of thought and natural ability, and while she wisely kept her counsel from her mistress she took care to make her wants known to an abolitionist. She had passed many years under the yoke, under different owners, and now seeing a ray of hope she availed herself of the opportunity to secure her freedom. She had occasion to go to a store in the neighborhood where she was stopping, and to her unspeakable joy she founil the proprietor an abolitionist and a friend who inquired into her condition and proffered her assistance. The store-keeper quickly made known her condition at the Anti-slavery Office, and in double-quick time J. M. MeKim and Charles Wise as abolitionists and members of the Vigilance Committee repaired to the stopping-place of the mistress and her slave to demand in tlie name of humanity and the laws of Pennsylvania that Aunt Hannah should be no longer held in fetters but that she should be immediately proclaimed free. In the eyes of the mistress this procedure was so extraordinary that she became very much excited and for a moment threatened them with the " broomstick," but her raving had no effect on Messrs. McKim and Wise, who did not rest contented until Aunt Hannah was safely in their hands.