Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 522   Enlarge and print image (47K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 522   Enlarge and print image (47K)

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ARRIVAL FROM RICHMOND, 1859. 497 ARRIVAL FROM RICHMOND, 1859. STEPNEY BEOWN. Stepney was an 'extraordinary man, his countenance indicating great goodness of heart, and his gratitude to his heavenly Father for his deliverance proved that he was fully aware of the Source whence his help had come. Being a man of excellent natural gifts, as well as of religious fervor and devotion to a remarkable degree, he seemed admirably fitted to represent the slave in chains, looking up to God with an eye of faith, and again the fugitive in Canada triumphant and rejoicing with joy unspeakable over his deliverance, yet not forgetting those in bonds, as bound with them. The beauty of an unshaken faith in the good Father above could scarcely have shone with a brighter lustre thau was seen in this simple-hearted believer. STEPXEY was thirty-four years of age, tall, slender, and of a dark hue. He readily confessed that he fled from Mrs. Julia A. Mitohell, of Richmond; and testified that she was decidedly stingy and unkind, although a member of St. Paul's church. Still he was wholly free from acrimony, and even in recounting his sufferings was filled with charity towards his oppressors. He said, "I was moved to leave because I believed that I had a right to be a free man." He was a member of the Second Baptist church, anc| entertained strong faith that certain infirmities, which had followed him through life up to within seven years of the time of his escape, had all been removed through the Spirit of the Lord. He had been an eye-witness to many outrages inflicted on his fellow-men. But he spoke more of the sufferings of others than his own. His stay was brief, but interesting. After his arrival in Canada he turned his attention to industrial pursuits, and cherished his loved idea that the Lord was very good to him. Occasionally he would write to express his gratitude to God and man, and to inquire about friends in different localities, especially those in bonds. The following letters are specimens, and speak for themselves r- CLIFTOK HOUSE, NIAGARA FAIAS, Angnst the 27. DEAB'BROTHER :—It ie with pleasure i take my pen in hand to write a few Imea to inform you that i am well hopeping these few lines may fine you the same i am longing to hear from you and your family i wish you would say to Jnlis Anderson that be must re*ly eiouee me for not writing bat i am in hopes that be ia doing well i have not heard no news from Virgin*, plese to send ma all the news any to Mrs. Hunt an you also forever pray for me knowing that God is BO good to us. i have not seen brother John Dungy for 5 months, but we have corresponded together bat be is doing well in Bmidford. i »tn now at the foils an have been on here some time an i shall with the help of the lord locate myself somewhere thia winter an go to school excuse me fop not annwr year letter sooner 32