Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 488   Enlarge and print image (41K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 488   Enlarge and print image (41K)

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ARRIVAL FROM WASHINGTON, 1858. 463 it was evident, therefore, in Harry's opinion that the sooner he took his departure for Canada the better. His father's example was ever present to encourage him, for he had escaped when Henry was a little boy ; (his name was Benjamin Tucker). A still greater incentive, however, moved him, which was that his mother had been sold South five years prior to his escape, since which time Le had heard of her but once, and that vaguely. Although education was denied him, Henry had too much natural ability to content himself under the heel of Slavery. He saw and understood the extent of the wrongs under which he suffered, and resolved not to abide in such a condition, if, by struggling and perseverance, he could avoid it. In his resolute attempt he succeeded without any very severe suffering. He was not large, rather below the ordinary size, of a brown color, and very-plucky. ARRIVAL FROM VIRGINIA, 1858. PETER KELSON. (RESEMBLED AN IRISHMAN.) The coming of this strange-looking individual caused much surprise, representing, as he did, if not a full-blooded Irishman, a man of Irish descent. He was sufficiently fair to pass for white; anywhere, with his hat on—with it off, his hair would have betrayed him; it was light, but quite woolly. Xor was he likely to be called handsome; lie was interesting, nevertheless. It was evident, that the "white man's party" had damaged him seriously. He represented that lie had been in the bonds of one James Ford, of Stafford county, Virginia, aiid that this " Ford was a right tough old fellow, who owned about two dozen head." " IIo\v docs he treat them ?'' lie was asked. "He don't treat them well no way," replied the passenger. " Why did you leave ?" was the next question. " Because of his fighting, knocking .and carrying on so," was the prompt answer. The Committee fully interviewed him, and perceived that he had really worn the fetters of Slavery, and that he was justified in breaking his bonds and fleeing for refuge to Canada, and was entitled to aid and sympathy. Peter was about twenty-four years of age. He left nine brothers and sisters in bondage. ARRIVAL FROM WASHINGTON, 1858. MART JONES A1TD SUSAN BELL. These " weaker vessels " came from the seat of government. Mary confessed that she had been held to service as the property of Mrs. Henry Hard-ing, who resided at Rockville, some miles out of "Washington. Both Mr.