Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 486   Enlarge and print image (42K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 486   Enlarge and print image (42K)

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ARRIVAL FROM RICHMOND, 1858. ORLANDO J. HUNT. When ORLANDO escaped from Richmond the Underground Rail Road business was not very brisk. A disaster on the road, resulting iu the capture of one or two captains, tended to damp the ardor of some who wanted to coine, as well as that of sympathizers. The road was not idle, however. Orlando'e coming was hailed with great satisfaction. He was twenty-iiinc years of age, full black, possessed considerable intelligence, and was fluent in speech ; fully qualified to give clear statements as to the condition of Slavery in Richmond, etc. While the Committee listened to his narrations with much interest, they only took note of how he had fared, and the character of the master he was compelled to serve. On these points the substance of his narrations luay be found annexed : "I was owned by High Holscr, a hide sorter, a man said to be rich, a good Catholic, though very disagreeable; he was not cruel, but was very driving and abusive in his language towards colored people. I have been held in bondage about eighteen years by Holser, but have failed, so far, to find any good traits in his character. I purchased my mother for one •hundred dollars, when sbe was old and past, labor, too old to earn her hire and find herself; but she was taken away by death, before I had finished paying for her; twenty-five dollars only remained to be paid to finish the agreement. Owing to her unexpected death, I got rid of that much, which was of some consequence, as I was a slave myself) and had hard work to raise the money to purchase her." Thus, finding the usages of Slav-cry no cruel and outlandish, he resolved to leave "old Virginny" and "took out," via the Underground Hail Road. He appeared to be of a religious turn of mind, and felt that he had "a call to preach." After his arrival in Canada, the following letter was received from him: ST. CATHARINES, C. W., May Gth, 185S. Mr DEAR FRIEND:—WM. STILL:—Mr. Orlando J. Hunt, who has ju?l arrived bore from Richmond, Va., desires me to address to you a line in his beha:f. Mr. Hunt is expecting his clothing to come from Richmond to your care, and if you have received them, he desires you to forward them immediately to St. Catharines, in my care, in (be safest and most expeditions way in your power. Mr.'Hunt is much pleased with thie land of freedom, and I hope he may do well for himself and much good to others. He preached here in the Baptist church, last evening. He sends his kind regards and sincere thanks to you and your family, and snch friends as have favored him on his way. Very respectfully yonn>, HIRAM WILSON, for ORLANDO HUNT.