Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 470   Enlarge and print image (44K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 470   Enlarge and print image (44K)

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ARRIVAL OF A PARTY OF SIX, 1858. 445 ROBERT was too shrewd to be entrapped by the above reward. He sat down and counted the cost before starting; then with, his knowledge of slaveholders when traveling he was cautious enough not to expose himself by day or night where be was liable to danger. He had reached the age of thirty, and despite the opposition he had had to encounter, unaided he had learned to read, •which with his good share of native intelligence, he found of service. Whilst Robert did not publish his mistress, he gave a plain statement of where he was from, and why he was found in the city of Brotherly Love in the dead of Winter in a state of destitution. He charged the blame upon a woman, whose name was Richardson, who, lie said, was quite a " fighter, and was never satisfied, except when quarreling and fighting with some of the slaves." He also spoke of a certain T. J. Richardson, a farmer and a "very driving man "who was in the habit of oppressing poor men and women by compelling them to work in his tobacco, corn, and wheat fields without requiting them for their labor. Robert felt if he could get justice out of said Richardson ho would be the gainer to the amount of more than a thousand dollars in money besides heavy damages for having cheated him out of his education. In this connection, he recalled the fact of Richardson's being a member of the church, and in a sarcastic manner added that his " religious pretensions might pass among slave-holders, but that it would do him no good when meeting the Judge above." Being satisfied that he would there meet his deserts Robert took a degree of comfort therefrom. ARRIVAL OF A PARTY OF SIX, 1858. PLYMOUTH CANXOX, HORATIO WILKIN'SON, LEMUEL MITCUELL, JOSIAH MITCHELL, GKORGE HENRY BALLARD, AND JOHN MITCHELL. Thomas Garrett announced the corning of this party in the subjoined letter: WlLMINOTON, 2 MO. 5lH, 1858. ESTEEMED FRIEND:—WILLIAM STHLL:—I have information of 6 able-bodied men that are expected here to-morrow morning; they may, to-morrow afternoon or evening, take the cars at Cheeter, and most likely reach the city between 11 and 12 at night; they will bo accompanied by a colored man that has lived in Philadelphia and is free; they may think it safer to walk to the city than to go in the care, but for fear of accident it may be best to have some one at the cars to look out for them. I have not seen them yet, and cannot certainly judge what will be best. I gave a man 3 dollars to bring those men 15 miles to-night, and I have been two miles in the country this afternoon, and gave a colored man 2 dollars to get provisions to feed them. Hoping all will be right, I remain thy friend, HUKANITAB.