Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 456   Enlarge and print image (43K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 456   Enlarge and print image (43K)

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PROPERTIES OF RON. L. McLANE AND WM. KNIGHT, Esq. 431 John was about twenty-seven years of age, smart, possessed good manners, and a mulatto. LAWRENCE was about twenty-three years of age, tall and slender, of dark complexion, but bright intellectually. With Lawrence times had been pretty rough. Dr. Isaac Winslow of Alexandria was accused of defrauding Lawrence of his hire. " He was anything else but a gentleman," said Lawrence. " He was not a fair man no way, and his wife was worse than he was, and she had a daughter worse than herself." " Last Sunday a week my master collared me, for my insolence he said, and told me that he would sell me right off. I was tied and put up Stairs for safe keeping. I was tied for about eight hours. I then untied myself, broke out of prison, and made for the Underground Rail Road immediately." Lawrence gave a most interesting account of his life of bondage, and of the doctor and his family. He was overjoyed at the manner in which he had defyated the doctor, and so was the Committee. HOX. L. McLANE'S PROPERTY, soo.v AFTER HIS DEATH, TRAVELS via THE UNDERGROUND HAIL ROAD.—WILLIAM KNIGHT, ESQ., LOSES A SUPERIOR " ARTICLE." JIM 8COTT, TOM PEXNISOTON, SAM SCOTT, BILL SCOTT, ABE BACON, AND JACK WELLS. An unusual degree of pleasure was felt in welcoming this party of young men, not because they were any better than others, or because they had suffered more, but simply because they were found to possess certain knowledge and experience of slave life, as it existed under the government of the chivalry ; siu:h information could not always l>e obtained from those whose lot had bwn cast among ordinary slave-holders. Consequently the Committee interviewed them closely, anil in poiut of intellect found them to be above the average run of slaves. As they were then entered on the record, so ia like manner are the notes made of them transferred to these pages. Jim was about nineteen years of age, well grown, black, and of prepossessing appearance. The organ of hope seemed very strong in him. Jim had been numbered with the live stoi-k of the late Hon. L. McLane, who had been called to give an account of his stewardship about two months before Jim and his companions " took out." As to general usage, he made no particular charge against his distinguished master; he had, however, not been living under his immediate patriarchal government, but had been hired out to a farmer by the name of James Dodson, with whom he experienced life "sometimes hard and some-