Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 357   Enlarge and print image (50K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 357   Enlarge and print image (50K)

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SUNDRY A&BIVALS. 336 by the respectable white and colored people in his neighborhood." He would not have escaped but for, fear of being sold, as he had a wife and five children to whom Ve was veiy much attached, but had to leave them behind. Fortunately they were free. Of his ministry and connection with the Church, he spoke with feelings of apparent solemnity, evidently under the impression that the little flock he left would be without a shepherd. Of bis master, Captain Samuel Lc Count, of the U. S. Navy, he had not one good word to speak; at least nothing of the kind is found on the Record Book; but, on the contrary, he declared that "he was very hard on his servants, allowing them no chance whatever to make a little ready money for themselves." So in turning his face towards the Underground Rail Road, and his back against slavery, he felt that he was doing God service. The Committee regarded him as a remarkable man, and was much im-pressed'with his story, and felt it to be a privilege and a pleasure to aid birn. LEWIS FRANCIS was a mail of medium size, twenty-seven years of age, good-looking and intelligent. He elated that he belonged to Mrs. Delinas, of Abiugdon, ITarford Co., Md., but that he had been hired out from a boy to a barber in Baltimore. For his hire his mistress received eight dollars per month. To encourage Lewis, his kind-hearted mistress allowed him out of his own wages the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per annum ! His clothing he got as best he could, but nothing did she allow him for that purpose. Even with this arrangement she had been dissatisfied of late years, and thought she was not getting enough out of Lewis; she, therefore, talked strongly of selling him. This threat was very annoying to Lewis, so much so, that lie made up his mind that he would one day let her see, that so far as he was concerned, it was easier to talk of selling than it would be to carry out her threat. With this growing desire for freedom he gained what little light lie could on the subject of traveling, Canada, etc., and at a given time off he started on his journey and found his way to the Committee, who imparted substantial aid as usual. ALEXANDER MOKSON, alias Samuel Garrett. Tins candidate for Canada was only eighteen years of age; a well-grown lad, however, and had the one idea that " all men were born free " pretty deeply rooted in his mind. He was quite smart, and of a chestnut color. By the will of his original owner, the slaves were all entitled to their freedom, but it appeared, from Alexander's story, that the executor of the estate did not regard this freedom clause in the will. He had already sold nome of the slaves, and others— he among them—were expecting to be sold before coming into possession of their freedom. Two of them had been sold to Alabama, therefore, with these evil warnings, young Alexander resolved to strike out at onoe for