Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 208   Enlarge and print image (74K)

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Still, William, Underground Rail Road:
A Record of Facts, Authentic Narratives, Letters, Etc.

Porter & Coales, Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, 1872
Call Number: 1400, MSA L1117

MSA L1117, Image No: 208   Enlarge and print image (74K)

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FLEEING QIBL OF FIFTEEN IN MALE A TTIRE. 187 Tou will recollect that five hundred dollars of our money was taken to buy the sister of Henry H. Garnett'a wife. Had I been able to command this I should not be necessitated to ask the favors and indulgences I do. I am expecting daily the return of Augustus, and may Heaven grant him a safe deliverance and smile propitiously upon you and all kind friends who have aided in his return to me. Be pleased to remember me to friends, and accept yourself the blessing and prayers of your dear friend, EAREO WEEMS. P. S. Direct your letter to E. L. Stevens, in Duff Green's Row, Capitol Hill, Washing-ton, D. C. E w That William Penn who worked so faithfully for two years for the deliverance of Ann Maria may not appear to have been devoting all his time and sympathy towards this single object it seems expedient that two or three additional letters, proposing certain grand Underground Rail Road plans, should have a place here. For this purpose, therefore, the following letters are subjoined. LETTERS FROM WILLIAM PENN. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 3, 1854. DEAE SIR :—I address you to-day chiefly at the suggestion of the Lady who will hand you my letter, and who is a resident of your city. After stating to you, that the case about which I have previously written, remains just as it was when I wrote last—full of difficulty—I thought I would call your attention to another enterprise; it is this : to find a man with a large heart for doing good to the oppressed, who will come to Washington to live, and who will walk out to Penn'a., or a, part of the way there, once or twice a week. He will find parties who will pay him for doing so. Parties of say, two, three, five or so, who will pay him at least $5 each, for the privilege of following him, but will never speak to him ; but will keep just in sight of him and obey any sign he may give; Say, he takes off his hat and scratches his head as a sign for them to go to some barn or wood to rest, &c. No livin'g being shall be found to say he ever spoke to them. A white man would be best, and then even parties led out by him could not, if they would, testify to any understanding or anything else against a white man. I think he might make a good living at it. Can it not be done ? If one or two safe stopping-places could be found on the way—such as a barn or shed, they could walk quite safely all night and then sleep all day—about two, or easily three nights would convey them to a place of safety. The traveler might be a peddler or huckster, with an old horse and cart, and bring us in eggs and butter if he pleases. Let him once plan out his route, and he might then take ten or a dozen at a time, and they are often able and willing to pay $10 a piece. I have a hard case now on hand ; a brother and sister 23 to 25 years old, whose mother lives in your city. They are cruelly treated; they want to go, they ought to go ; but they are utterly destitute. Can nothing be done for such cases? If you can think of anything let me know it. I suppose you know me ? WASHINGTON, D. C., April 3,1856. DEAR SIR :—I sent you the recent law of Virginia, under which all vessels are to be searched for fugitives within the waters of that State. It was long ago suggested by a sagacious friend, that the " powder boy " might find a