532 Labor Relations Board, Release for Afternoon Papers, Tuesday, August 22, 1939, "CIO Certified at Locke Insulator Corp.," Enoch Pratt Free Library. (63) Correspondence folders May-July 1938, August-September 1938, June- December 1939, Series 2, Box 66, Local 28; correspondence folders June-October 1939, November 1939, December 1939, Series 2, Box 71, Records of the Industrial Union of Marine and Shipyard Workers of America; Evening Sun, February 20, 1939; CIO News: Baltimore Edition, February 20,1939. (64) CIO News-Baltimore Edition, January 16,30, February 27, March 6, 27, May 22, 29, November 25, 1939; A fro-American, November 26, 1938, August 19, September 12,1939. (65) CIO News-Baltimore Edition, October 15,1938, January 9,1939; Afro- American, January 10, October 29,1938, November 19, December 16, 1939. (66) CIO News-Baltimore Edition, May 29,1939; A fro-American, May 6, 13, June 10, July 29, August 2,19,26, September 2,1939, January 2,1943. (67) Afro-American, January 1,15,22,29, February 12,26, March 5, 19,26,1938. Interestingly, Woods* secretary, Violet Hill Whyte, was about to become Baltimore's first Black police officer. (68) Afro-American, January 1, 15,22,29, February 12,26, March 5,i9,26,1938. (69) Afro-American, January 1,15,22,29, February 12,26, March 5,19,26,1938. (70) Afro-American, January 1,15,22, 29, February 12,26, March 5,19,26,1938. (71) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 3), August 5,1987; CIO News- Baltimore Edition, January 30, February 27, March 27,1939. (72) Roderick S. Ryon, "An Ambiguous Legacy: Baltimore Blacks and the CIO, 1936-1941," Journal of Negro History 65 (1980), 23; Oral History interview, Clarence Mitchell, Jr., MS. No. OH 8154, pages 27-39, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection, Maryland Historical Society; Hayward Farrar, "See What the Afro Says: The Baltimore Afro-American, 1892-1950" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1983), 68-69. (73) Interview with Edward S. Lewis by Andor Skotnes, April 5,1985; see discussions of Lewis* activities in chapters 6,7,8, and 10 above. (74) Interview with Edward S. Lewis; Edward S. Lewis, "We Tackled the Unions and Won!" Opportunity (1940), 138-140. (75) Interview with Edward S. Lewis, April 5,1985; Lewis, "We Tackled the Unions," 138-140; Afro-American, April 16,23, May 14,28, June 4, 25. August 13,