511 (4) Marine Workers Voice, March 1933. (5) Marine Workers Voice, June 1933. (6) Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2,1934; Marine Workers Voice, January 1934, February 1934, March 1934; Argersinger, "'Loafers/" 237-238. (7) Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2,1934; Marine Workers Voice, January 1934, February 1934, March 1934; Argersinger, "'Loafers,'" 237-238. (8) Marine Workers Voice, January 1934; Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2, 1934; Argersinger "Assisting," 237-9. (9) Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2,1934. (10) Bill Bailey, "The Kid from Hoboken" (unpublished manuscript, San Francisco: 1980), 119; Sun, March 3,1934; Joseph La Combe to William Plunkert, April 22, 1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, State File (Maryland), RG 69, No. 420, National Archives; Ira De A. Reid, Tlie Negro Community of Baltimore: A Social Survey (Baltimore: October 1,1934), 62. Reid mistook the seamen's relief program for the MWIU itself. (11) "Report on the Baltimore Seamen Situation By Mr. Harman," April 2,1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, State File (Maryland), RG 69, No. 420, National Archives. (12) Bailey, The Kid," 120. (13) Interview with Bill Bailey by Bruce Nelson, January 24,1979. (14) Marine Workers Voice, March 1934, April 1934; MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 16-17; Sun, February 11,1934. (15) Marine Workers Voice, April 1934. (16) Bailey, "Kid," 122; Marine Workers Voice, July 1934. (17) Marine Workers Voice, April 1934; MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 22; Sun, February 11, March 21, April 11,1934. (18) Bill Bailey later described Alexander of 1934 as follows: "You went to the Centralized Shipping Bureau, which was in the Marine Workers Industrial Union hall. Harry Alexander was in charge of it. He was the head of it. And, man, nobody got passed him. He was — that man was the most honest son of a bitch you ever saw. No flim-flamming. He was just great! On the top of that he was a very ardent union man, we worked very close together, and became very good friends." Interview with Bill Bailey, January 24,1979.