505 (6) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17,1973; Monthly Labor Review, 36 (May 1933), 1025-6. (7) Report to the Executive Committee, People's Unemployed League, from L.L. Leith, December 9,1933, in ihe Vertical Files, Enoch Pratt Free Library; "Weekly Bulletin", December 11, 1933; Sun, July 14,1933, in the Vertical Files, Enoch Pratt Free Library. The editors of the "Weekly Bulletin," added up the value of all the donated goods and labor consumed by the unemployed under PUL's direction during its first ten and a half months ($10,230.22), and compared this sum with the sum of cash donations it had received ($1,043.19), thus arriving at the figures of $9.85 returned to the unemployed for every $1 donation. (8) Whitmore to Turner, June 21,1934; Sun, May 2,3, July 15, September i, 1933. (9) Whitmore to Turner, June 21,1934; "Weekly Bulletin," December 11,1933; Sun, April 13, June 22, October 22, 1933. (10) Monthly Labor Review, 36 (January 1933), 72; Jo Anne E. Argersinger, Toward a New Deal in Baltimore; People and Government in the Great Depression (Chapel Kill: 1988), 12-13. (11) Jo Anne E. Argersinger, "The Right to Strike': Labor Organization and the New Deal in Baltimore," Maryland Historical Magazine 77 (Winter 1982), 299. (12) "Oral History Interview with Sara Barron by Barbara Wertheimer, June 4, 1976, Baltimore Maryland," 49-50,57-58; Sun, September 13, November 13,1932, February 28,1933; Evening Sun, October 27,1932; Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 144-147; Jo Anne E. Argersinger, The Right to Strike," 301-304. (13) "Oral History Interview with Sara Barron," 57-58; Sun, February 28,1933; Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 144-147; Jo Anne E. Argersinger, The Right to Strike," 301-304. (14) "Oral History Interview with Sara Barron," 57-58; Sun, February 28,1933; Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 144-147; Jo Anne E. Argersinger, The Right to Strike," 301-304. (15) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17,1973; Jacqueline Hall, "Broadus Mitchell, 1892-1988," Radical History Review, 45 (Fall 1989), 33. Mrs. Kenneth Bauty is referred to by her "married name" because I have been unable to discover her own given name. Jo Anne E. Argersinger quotes Broadus Mitchell, from letters to his mother, as complaining of exhaustion from his relentless campaigning for the PUL; Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 128. (16) Roy Rosenzwieg, "'Socialism in Our Time1; The Socialist Party and the Unemployed, 1929-1936," Labor History, 20 (Fall 1979), 485-97; Sun, January 13, 1933. Prior to the PUL, the Baltimore SP did participate in an unemployed demonstration in Washington, D.C. in December 1930 (Sun, December 15,1930),