501 (54) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19, 1987. (55) Clarence Mitchell Oral History, MS. No. 8154, Maryland Historical Society, 65. Chapter 7 (1) Afro-American, June 17,1933. For testimonials to Costonie's healing powers, see Afro-American, June 24, September 23, 1933. (2) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell by Andor Skotnes (session 3), August 5, 1987; Afro-American, June 17,1933. (3) See chapter 8 for a discussion of the PUL. (4) Afro-American June 17,24, October 7, 1933. (5) Interview with Evelyn Burrell by Andor Skotnes, October 4, 1987. (6) Afro-American, September 30, October 7, 1933; the September 30 issue has an extended discussion of Peeks. (7) Interview with Evelyn Burrell, October 4,1987; Ira De A. Reid, The Negro Community of Baltimore; A Social Survey, (Baltimore: October 1,1934), 172-173. (8) Afro-American, June 17, September 30, October 7,1933. (9) Afro-American, June 24,1933 (reports that Costonie was in Philadelphia); September 23,1933 (reports that he was back in Baltimore); October 7,1933; Interview with Evelyn Burrell, October 4,1987. (10) Afro-American, September 30, October 7, December 23,1933; Henry J. McGuinn, The Courts and the Occupational Status of Negroes in Maryland," Social Forces 18 (December 1939), 259. (11) Afro-American, September 30,1933. (12) Afro-American, September 3,23,30, October 7,1933; McGuinn, The Courts," 259, claims that Costonie took 437 prospective voters to the registration office. (13) Afro-American, September 30,1933. (14) Afro-American, September 23,1933; Gary Jerome Hunter, "Don't Buy from Where You Can't Work"; Black Urban Boycott Movements during the Depression, 1929-1941" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1977)," 77-102,131; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 3), August 5,1987. The major