493 (21) Sun, January 21,24, February 26, November 11, 1931, February 2, 1932; Afro- American, April, 21,1934. Bill Bailey describes the general scenario for relief office actions in Bailey, "Kid," 124-5. (22) Sun, January 15, February 11, April 1, April 2,1931; Evening Sun, April 1, 1931; Hayward Farrar, "See What tfieAfro Says: The Baltimore Afro-American, 1892-1950," (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1983), 308. Those arrested on April 1 came up for sentencing before Judge Ulman, longtime president of the Baltimore Urban League; he fined them only $1 and court costs each in apparent fear of making martyrs of them. Sun, 4/9/31. (23) Sun, December 20,1933; Evening Sun, May 1, November 20,25 1930. (24) Daniel J. Leab, "'United We Eat': The Creation and Organization of the Unemployed Councils in 1930," Labor History, 8 (Fall 1967), 313-15. (25) See chapter 8 below on the PUL. (26) Bailey, "Kid", 123; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell by Andor Skotnes, (session 1), February 20,1987. (27) Bailey, "Kid," 125. (28) Communist Party, U.S.A., "On the Struggle Against White Chauvinism"; Harry Haywood, Black Bolshevik; Autobiography of an Afro-American Communist, (Chicago: 1978), 357; Harvard Sitkoff.X New Deal for Blacks; the Emergence of Civil Rights as a National Issue: Tlie Depression Decade (New York: 1978), 156-160. Dennis Duncanwood has contributed much to my understanding of the CP campaign against white chauvinism. (29) Afro-American, January 13,28,1933; Sun, January 9,1933. (30) Afro-American, January 13,1933; Sun, January 9,1933. (31) Afro-American, January 28,1933. (32) Sun, January 22,23,26,1933. In an unrelated case about a year later, a young white woman who reportedly wanted to see Baltimore's equivalent of Harlem was arrested for dancing in Black club; the judge ruled that there was no law against interracial dancing. Sun, May 27,1934. (33) Al Richmond, v4 Long View from the Left: Memoirs of an American Revolutionary (Boston: 1973), 101. (34) Richmond, Long View, 101-07; Kutnik, "The Revolutionary T.U. Movement in the U.S.A. in the Conditions of the "New Deal" of Trustified Capital" The Communist International, September 20,1934,702; Mark Reutter, Sparrows Point: Making Steel - The Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might (New York: 1988),