489 union membership at 20,000 or just over 7% of the working class. Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 11; Dorothy M. Brown, "Maryland Between the Wars," Maryland, A History, 1632-1974, edited by Richard Walsh and William Lloyd Fox, (Baltimore: 1974), 57; Ira De A. Reid, The Negro Community of Baltimore (Baltimore: 1935), 13. (40) Monthly Labor Review, 36 (January 1933), 72; U.S. Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States; Population (1930), vol. 2, 67-73. (41) Johnson, "Negroes at Work," 15; Ira de A. Reid, Negro Membership in American Labor Unions (New York: 1930), 137,140. (42) Olson, Baltimore, 175-179,199-209,230-231; Ryon, "Baltimore Workers," 568- 569. (43) D. Randall Beirne, "Hampden-Woodberry: The Mill Village in the Urban Setting" Maryland Historical Magazine 77 (March 1982), 17-18; Sterling D. Spero and Abram L. Harris, The Black Worker (New York: 1968), 192; Olson, Baltimore, 38,76,89,90,98-9,118-9,176-8,181,183-5, 194-7.199-208, 230-1, 274-5,281-3, 329- 30; Ryon, "Baltimore Workers," 568-9,573-9; Reutter, Sparrows, 154; Brown, "Maryland between the Wars," 707-8. (44) Johnson, "Negroes at Work," 19; Brown, "Maryland between the Wars," 704-5. (45) Brown, "Maryland between the Wars," 704-705; Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 11. (46) Brown, "Maryland between the Wars," 690; Farrar, Hayward. "See What the Arm Says: The Baltimore A fro-American, 1892-1950" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1983), 244-250. (47) "Oral History Interview with Sara Barron by Barbara Wertheimer," June 4, 1975, Baltimore, Maryland (New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations Library, New York City Division of Cornell University), 14-16; Roderick N. Ryon, "Human Creatures' Lives': Baltimore Women and Work in Factories, 1880-1917," Maryland Historical Magazine 83 (Winter 1988), 356-8; Olson, Baltimore, 282-283. (48) Interview with Sigmund Diamond (sessions 2), April 27,1988, (session 3) May 3,1988; "Oral History Interview with Sara Barron," 14-18; Nina Asher, "Dorothy Jacobs Bellanca: Feminist Trade Unionist, 1894-1946" (Ph.D. dissertation, SUNY Binghamton, 1982), 62-5; Argersinger, Toward a New Deal, 153-154. (49) Olson, Baltimore, 280-283; Ryon, "Baltimore Women and Work," 356-8; Argersinger, Towards a New Deal, 144,153. (50) Johnson, "Negroes at Work," 19.