171 before a jury of his peers. If that be dangerous Communistic and radical, it is nevertheless patriotic Americanism to which all thinking citizens can well subscribe.57 The ILD did appeal the verdict, claiming that the jury selection process was unconstitutional. To much surprise, the Maryland Court of Appeals agreed with the ILD and, on July 5,1932, awarded Lee a new trial. Jury rolls throughout Maryland were thereby desegregated and an important legal precedent established CO - one that would have long term ramifications far beyond Maryland. ° On September 26, 1934, Euel Lee's second murder trail opened in Towson, Maryland. Unlike the first trial in January, a large number of Black spectators attended, an indication of the growing popular interest — and growing hopefulness — in the Black community over the case. The ILD attorneys continued their strategy of defending Lee by attacking Jim Crow. They argued that segregated conditions in the courtroom prejudiced the jurors and asked for a change to a non- segregated venue or a postponement of the trail until segregation was ended. They further argued that the panel from which the jury was chosen, though integrated, was substantially the same panel that the Court of Appeals had declared unconstitutional; and the jury itself was again all white. The judges denied their motions. The trial lasted three days, the jury deliberated almost three hours (in contrast to twenty-three minutes in January). Euel Lee was again convicted of murder, he was again sentence to death, the ILD again began a process of appeals, and the Afro-American again editorialized on the importance of what the ILD and CP had done, calling on its readers to donate money for Lee's appeals" During the whole time that it was pursuing a legal defense of Euel Lee, the ILD was also conducting a mass defense campaign. This campaign reflected basic premises of the national ILD as well as the local: that litigation in bourgeois courts was not enough, and had to be backed up by mass mobilization; that the courts were not an isolated arena of struggle, but must be used to build the mass