43 Table 3-2 IMMIGRANT AND FIRST GENERATION EUROPEAN ETHNIC POPULATIONS BALTIMORE, 19307 country of origin ethnic pop. %of total pop. Germany 67f053 834 Russia 42,504 5.28 Poland 32,323 4.02 Italy 23,305 2.97 Ireland 16,420 2.10 England 8,895 1.11 Czechoslovakia 7,462 0.93 Lithuania 6,711 0.84 Austria 5,065 0.64 North Ireland 3,206 039 Canada 2,889 036 Scotland 2,715 0.34 country of origin ethnic pop. %of total pop. Greece 2,069 0.25 France 1,677 0.21 Hungary 1,637 0.20 Romania 1,441 0.18 Latvia 1,136 0.14 Sweden 1,110 0.14 Norway 894 0.11 Switzerland 733 0.09 Denmark 634 0.08 Wales 667 0.08 Other 4,165 051 Table 3-3 BALTIMORE'S FIVE LARGEST EUROPEAN ETHNICITIES AS PERCENT OF TOTAL POPULATION IN FOUR NORTH ATLANTIC PORT METROPOLISES, 1930 City Baltimore Philadelphia New York Boston Ireland Germany Poland 6.9 11.6 10.5 25.0 29.0 13.2 11.8 3.1 13.7 7.9 10.8 3.9 Russia 18.2 17.8 18.6 12.2 Italy 10.0 18.4 21.0 16.2