8 historical process, human agency and choice has a role, it should be possible to discern alternate historical paths that might have been taken but were not, without being hopelessly speculative. Socially-dominant ideologies and ideologists discourage such an approach, because their impulse is to depict the present as the only possible outcome of the past. Those historians who are interested in a "usable" past and who believe the study of history can have relevance to the future are more friendly to such an effort. In this spirit, the more localized movements of the formative 1930-1935 period will be explored for potentials that were not completely fulfilled.5 This study, then, is a local study that hopes to say something of more than local interest. It is not, however, a "case study" in the usual sense of the term. In the introduction to her book on slavery and freedom in Maryland in the nineteenth century, historian Barbara Jeanne Fields remarks that, in her work, the locale she studies is not "posing as a representative of the others": the struggles and experiences of the people she examines had their own integrity, their own profound humanness; the stories of these struggles deserve, in their own right, to be told. That point of view is shared here. Moreover, this is not a case study in the sense that Baltimore is viewed somehow as a microcosm or (worse) a metaphor for the U.S. as a whole. Nevertheless, Baltimore in the 1930s was a constituent part of the U.S. social formation within (to use Wallersteinian terminology) a developing world system/ Social forces that operated throughout that social formation and, indeed, the world system, operated in various forms and in various combinations in Baltimore. This study does hope to shed some further light on the nature of some of those social forces. Furthermore, this study hopes to offer some comparative suggestions, and some basis for comparison, for others doing similar local studies. What and how a local study can contribute to more global historical knowledge - beyond a donation to the data bank of facts - is highly problematical.