LIST OF TABLES TABLE 2-1 Manufacturing in the Baltimore Industrial Area, 1937 17 TABLE 3-1 Ethnicity in U.S. Selected Cities, 1930 41 TABLE 3-2 Immigrant and First Generation European Ethnic Populations, Baltimore, 1930 43 TABLE 3-3 Baltimore's Five Largest European Ethnicities as Percent of Total Population in Four North Atlantic Port Metropolises, 1930 43 TABLE 4-1 Employed Working Class, Percent in Economic Sectors and Subsectors 88 TABLE 4-2 Working Class: Male and Female in Economic Sectors and Subsectors 95 TABLE 4-3 Breakdown of Operatives in Manufacturing by Gender 98 TABLE 4-4 Working-Class Employed over 10 Years of Age, Ethnicity and Gender by Percentage of Each Category Table 4-4a - Males and Females 101 Table 4-4b - Males 102 Table 4-4c - Females 102 TABLE 4-5 Strikes per Million Residents in 11 Largest U.S. Cities, 1919-1929 114 TABLE 4-6 Black Trade Unions in Baltimore in the 1920s 125 VIII