Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 517
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 517
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517 (59) Ira DC A. Reid, Ttie Negro Community of Baltimore: A Summary Report of a Social Study (Baltimore: 1935), 44-5; CWYPF, "Contest" (1934), 3; Sun, February 27, March 13, 1934. (60) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19, 1987; CWYPF, "Contest" (1935), 4. (61) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19,1987; CWYPF, "Contest" (1935), 4; Sun, February 22, 1934. (62) Sun, February 22,1934; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19, 1987. (63) Afro-American, October 27,1934. (64) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19, 1987; CWYPF, "Contest" (1935), 4, 12. (65) Ira De A. Reid, The Negro Community of Baltimore: A Social Survey, (Baltimore: October 1, 1934), 210-1. (66) CWYPF, "Contest" (1935), 12; Sun, May 13, 17,1934; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19,1987. (67) Henry J. McGuinn, The Courts and the Occupational Status of Negroes in Maryland" Social Forces 18 (December 1939): 261; Afro-American, June 2, 16, 1934 (my emphasis). (68) Evening Sun, August 22, 1934; Afro-American, August 25, 1934. (69) Afro-American, October 22, 1932. (70) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20,1987, (session 3), August 5,1987; Joyce B. Ross,/.£ Spingam and the Rise of the NAACP, 7977-7939, 169-185; Raymond Wolters, Negroes and the Great Depression: Ttie Problem of Economic Recovery (Westport, Connecticut: 1970), 219-229. (71) Ross, J.E. Spingam, 169-185; Wolters, Negroes and the Great Depression, 219- 229. (72) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20,1987, (session 3), August 5,1987; Ross,/E. Spingam, 169-185; Wolters, Negroes and the Great Depression, 219-229; McNeil, Groundwork, 87-°8. (73) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 1), February 20,1987, (session 2), March 19,1987, (session 3), August 5,1987. "Biographical Sketch of Juanita Jackson MiicheU" [resume, copy in my possession].