Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 514
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514 Chapter 10 (1) Afro-American, October 28, 1933. (2) Afro-American, September 21, 1933. (3) Evening Sun, October 19, 1933. (4) Afro-American, October 21,1933; Evening Sun , October 19,1933. (5) Evening Sun , October 19,20, 1933; Afro-American, October 21, 1933. (6) Evening Sun, October 17, 1933. (7) Evening Sun , October 20,1933. (8) Evening Sun, October 19,20, 1933; Oral History interview, Clarence Mitchell, Jr. MS. No". OH 8209, pages 9-14, McKeldin-Jackson Oral History collection. Maryland Historical Society; "Reminiscences of Clarence M. Mitchell" (1981), interviewed by Ed Edwin, in the Oral History Collection of Columbia University, 5- 7; Hayward Farrar, "See What the "Afro" Says: the Baltimore Afro-American, 1892- 1950" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1983), 53-54. (9) Evening Sun , October 17,19,20,1933, 2/22/34; Clarence Mitchell, Jr., Oral History, OH 8209, Maryland Historical Society, 9-14. (10) Afro-American, October 21, 1933. (11) Evening Sun, October 17,1933. (12) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell by Andor Skotnes (session 1); Clarence Mitchell, Jr., Oral History, OH 8209, Maryland Historical Society, 9-12. (13) Evening Sun , October 18,19, 1933. (14) Clarence Mitchell, Jr., Oral History, OH 8209, Maryland Historical Society, 9- 12; "Reminiscences of Clarence M. Mitchell," 5', Evening Sun , October 18,19,1933. (15) Evening Sun, October 20,1933. (16) Afro-American, October 7,1933, November 25,1933. (17) Afro-American, October 21,1933. (IS) Afro-American, October 21,28, 1933. (19) Afro-American, October 28,1933; Sun, October 25,1933; Evening Sun , October 24,1933.