Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 512
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 512
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512 (19) MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 18; see pages 30-2 for the complete regulations and page 12 for a reproduction of the CSB registration card. (20) Marine Workers Voice, March 1934; MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 17; Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront, 98. (21) MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 20. (22) MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 18, 19; Sun, March 1934; Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2, 1934. (23) MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 18,19; La Comb to Plunkert, April 22, 1934. (24) Interview with Bill Bailey, January 24. 1979; Marine Workers Voice, March 1934. (25) Marine Workers Voice, April 1934. (26) La Comb to Plunkert, April 22,1934. (27) Sun, March 2, March 3,1934; Frank R. Stock! to Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 15, 1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, State File (Maryland), RG 69, No. 420, National Archives - reproduced as in original; Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2,1934. (28) Wickenden to Plunkert, April 2,1934; "Report by Mr. Harman," April 2,1934; Marine Workers Voice, April 1934. (29) Sun, March 3,1934; Marine Workers Voice, April 1934; Baltimore Section Communist Party to H. Greenstein, March 22,1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, State File (Maryland), RG 69, No. 420, National Archives; Marine Workers Industrial Union, New York, to Harry Greenstein, March 22,1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, State File (Maryland), RG 69, No. 420, National Archives. (30) Marine Workers Voice, April 1934; Harry Greenstein to William J. Plunkert, May 2, 1934, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, State File (Maryland), RG 69, No. 420, National Archives. (31) Sun, May 6,1934. (32) Sun, April 29,1934; Evening Sun, April 28,1934; Marine Workers Voice, July 1934. (33) Sun, May 15,29,1934; Evening Sun, May 14,28,1934; Marine Workers Voice, June, July 1934; MWIU, Centralized Shipping Bureau, 26-27.