Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 506
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506 but no evidence has come to light of any ongoing Socialist activity among the Baltimore jobless. (17) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17,1973. (18) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17, 1973. (19) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17,1973. A discussion of the young militants of the City-Wide Young People's Forum appears in chapter 6 above. (20) Frank Trager quoted in Jo Ann Eady Argersinger, "Baltimore: the Depression Years," (Ph.D. dissertation, George Washington University, 1980), 233. (21) Trager to Thomas, March 7, 1934; Evening Sun, May 1,1931, May 1, 1934; Sun, May 2, October 29,1934. (22) Trager to Thomas, March 7,1934; Naomi Riches to Roy Rosenzwieg, April 7, 1973. (23) "Reminiscences of Broadus Mitchell" (1972), interviewed by Daniel Singal, in the Oral History Collection of Columbia University, 147. (24) "Oral History Interview with Sara Barron by Barbara Wertheimer," June 4, 1975, Baltimore, Maryland (New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations Library, New York City Division of Cornell University), 10; Sun, January 2, March 19, May 15, December 30,1932, May 1, December 9,1934, March 15, 1936; Laurine Levy Kartman, "Jewish Occupational Roots in Baltimore at the Turn of the Century," Maryland Historical Magazine, 74 (March 1979), 58-9; Isaac M. Fein, The Making of An American Jewish Community, 1773-1920 (Philadelphia: 1971), 171. (25) Interview with Sigmund Diamond, (session 1), April 19,1988, (session 2), April 27,1988, (session 3), May 3,1988; Fein, An American Jewish Community, 171. (26) Interview with Sigmund Diamond (session 1), April 19,1988, (session 3), May 3,1988; Nina Asher, "Dorothy Jacobs Bellanca: Feminist Trade Unionist, 1894- 1946," (Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York, Binghamton, 1982). For a fuller discussion of the ACW in Baltimore and its relationship to white ethnic communities, especially the Jewish community, see chapter 4 above. (27) Sun, October 6,1930; June 22,1934. (28) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17,1973; Sun, January 13,1933, February 4, March 2,3,1934; quoted in Argersinger, "Baltimore," 246. (29) Riches to Rosenzweig, April 7,1973; Trager to Thomas, March 7,1934; Sun, January 13,1933.