Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 504
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 504
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504 (47) This quote is a composite from my interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell, August 5,1987 (session 3), tapes 1 and 2. (48) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 3), August 5,1987; Interview with Evelyn Burrell, October 4f 1987. (49) Afro-American, June 30, 1934. (50) Afro-American, June 22, 1935; The Crisis, 44 (January 1937), 8; Hunter, "Don't Buy," 122. (51) Afro-American, December 16, 1933. (52) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 3), August 5,1987. (53) Afro-American, June 30, 1934. (54) Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 2), March 19,1987. (55) Afro-American, December 16,1933. (56) Afro-American, December 16,1934; Interview with Juanita Jackson Mitchell (session 3), August 5,1987. (57) Afro-American, March 17,1934. Chapter 8 (1) Interview with Frank Trager by Roy Rosenzweig, May 17,1973. I want to thank Roy Rosenzwcig for lending me this interview and other documents concerning the PUL. (2) Sun, January 13,1933. (3) Frank Trager to Norman Thomas, March 7,1934, Norman Thomas papers. New York Public Library; Clarence W. Whitmore to Harriet Turner, June 21,1934, in the Vertical Files, Enoch Pratt Free Library; "Weekly Bulletin of the People's Unemployment League," December 11,1933, in the Vertical Files, Enoch Pratt Free Library; Sun, January 22, 1933, March 27,1934; Monthly Labor Review, 36 (May 1933), 1025. (4) Interview with Frank Trager, May 17,1973; Trager to Thomas. March 7,1934; Monthly Labor Review, 36 (May 1933), 1025-6. (5) Sun, February 19, March 14, March 29, April 2, April 3,1933.